K&R Planners is one of the leading wealth management company in Mumbai that provides customised wealth management services and advisory to the customers. We consider a whole range of available financial products like equities, mutual funds, bank deposits, bonds, etc to create a wealth management strategy that is best suited for the customer without diluting the risk appetite and returns. This approach helps the customers in creating a stable wealth management strategy and avoids taking undue risks especially during market volatility. With an active clientele of more than 300 customers across various states in India, we take pride in delivering the best in class advisory services thereby earning respect of other Wealth Management Company in Mumbai and rest of India.
We are able to identify the best wealth management opportunities for our customers through our in-house built statistical tools. A well qualified and experienced team with a collective experience of more than 26 years in India and International markets brings the art and science of identifying as well as quantifying the appropriate risk and return for its customers.
If you are looking for engaging the services of any leading Wealth Management Company in Mumbai or rest of India, allow us an opportunity to showcase our offerings. Currently our offices are in Delhi and Mumbai. For customers residing in other cities, you can schedule a skype meeting with us. With a commitment to offer best in class advisory services to our client, we aspire to be the most trusted name among the Wealth Management Company in Mumbai and rest of India by 2025.
Currently our offices are in Delhi and Mumbai. If you are looking for Professional Wealth Management Company in Delhi for your investments, please feel free to contact us. For customers in cities other than Delhi and Mumbai, we can schedule a skype meeting.